Each year PCC commits to give away 10% of church voluntary income to local, national and overseas mission projects.
Our current tithe partners are show below
Christian Aid
A partnership of people, churches and local organisations committed to ending poverty worldwide.
Loughborough Child Contact Centre
A place for children to meet with parents with whom they no longer live after relationship breakdown.
Church Mission Society/Neema Crafts
Ben & Katy Ray lead Neema Crafts in Iringa, Tanzania.
Steps Centre, Shepshed
Dedicated to helping children with cerebral palsy and other motor disorders.
Diocese of Leicester link dioceses DMK & Trichy
Dioceses of Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Trichy south India.
The Soar Project
Local evangelistic organisation partnering with local churches in outreach to schools.
Sends targeted medical aid to rural health units in some of the poorest parts of Africa
The Bridge, East Midlands
Working for the community since 1993, delivering a number of specialist housing related advice, support, and assistance services and accommodation options to homeless and vulnerably housed people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Working in Madagascar, we use hovercraft, unique amphibious technology, to reach isolated communities, making it possible for aid organisations to work in areas that have been simply too difficult or too expensive to reach.