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St Mary-in-Charnwood Notices text for Printing

St Mary's Notices - 8th September 2024

Sunday 8th September: Join us for All Together Worship at 10am and Evensong at 6pm. Faith without works is dead! Come and find out more about what it means to be a living witness to the faith we proclaim as we look at James chapter two. In the morning service, we are all together and we will have different options for exploring the passage. In the evening communion service Ian will unpack the passage. Readings are James
2:1-17 and Mark 7:24-37.

St Mary's Notices - 15th September 2024

This week we continue exploring James. In Chapter 3 we are reminded that following Jesus affects how we use language for his kingdom. Readings are James 3:1-12 and Mark 8:27-38 and there will be a children’s group during the service. Everybody is extremely welcome.

St Mary's Notices - 30th January

Join us on Sunday if you are able but we do encourage you do a lateral flow test first and wear your face mask. Thank you.

Morning Prayer - Daily at 9am

Everyone is welcome to join us for morning prayer each day at 9am. Please contact Adele for the zoom details.

Thy Kingdom come

Join the global wave of prayer calling all Christians to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know the love and peace of Jesus Christ. May 21st - May 31st 2020.

Forest Church

Please keep praying for Matt and Mary and the new people engaging through the St Mary’s Forest Church page on Facebook and maybe take a look yourself.

Pentecost Service - Sunday 31st May

Join our online service of communion for Pentecost. Click "More Details" to go to the YouTube playlist.

Pentecost Message - Pope Francis

As part of our thinking about 'a better world' and the need for change, I thought I'd share with you a couple of Pentecost messages I found thought-provoking. This first one comes from an event for Thy Kingdom Come - the Archbishop of Canterbury led a service with contributions from church leaders of many denominations including the Pope, who gave a homily addressing the need for change which you can see by clicking more details.

Adele's Letter Sunday 31 May 2020

Adele looks forward to Pentecost this Sunday, and further ahead to our next sermon series based on the Tearfund resource ‘The World Rebooted’.

Christian Aid Week - Thanks, and still time to donate

Thank you to all those who have already contributed to Christian Aid Week. Great News - so far locally we have raised just over £7,000. Certainly well worth a celebration. There is still time to donate via the local Just Giving Page on the Christian Aid Website.

All your donations are greatly appreciated and will support much needed work in poor communities. In addition to the various challenges these people have, they, like us, continue to face coronavirus but without the resources that we have around us. Many thanks, Jane North

Pentecost Message - Bishop Martyn

As part of our thinking about 'a better world' and the need for change, I thought I'd share with you a couple of Pentecost messages I found thought-provoking: This one is from Bishop Martyn. In his weekly message he challenged us to think about how we translate our whole life as church into the new context we find ourselves in. Click more details to play the video.

St Mary's YouTube Channel

All our online services are on the St Mary's YouTube channel. You can view these on computer, phone, tablet and TVs with compatible apps. The link to the latest service is always on the website. If you watch on a TV app make sure you do find first the Playlists section of our Channel to see the videos and songs in order!

St Mary's on Facebook

Keep up to date and join in with our facebook page.

Trinity Sunday - YouTube Service

Please click "more details" to open the YouTube Playlist for our Trinity Sunday service. Available from Sunday morning!

Sharing the Peace - again!

Wasn't the peace video great? Matt sends his apologies that a few people got left off by mistake. He has very kindly added them in now, which gives us the perfect excuse for showing it again this Sunday! We've put it on our YouTube channel as a separate video which you can see anytime with this link

Adele's Letter for Trinity Sunday

Adele introduces our new sermon series considering how we might build on recent experiences to create a better world for the future. There are also links to related Pentecost messages from Pope Francis and Bishop Martyn.

Wednesdays at 12

This is the final week of our series 'Exploring Prayer' with the Archbishop of Canterbury. This week we will be discussing videos 4 and 5 in a short and informal discussion at the Wednesdays at 12 zoom meeting (password stmarys). You can find videos by clicking more details

Patchwork Banner - A Reminder

A reminder ... everyone is invited to decorate a green fabric square (4, 6 or 8 inches + border) using whatever technique you choose. When sewn together, we hope this will form a banner that speaks of our continued faith and hope through this time of separation. Please contact Katherine Hetzel for more details.

Adele's Letter - Sunday 14 June - Greater Togetherness

Adele writes to introduce the theme of "Greater Togetherness" for this Sunday's Service, welcoming Lusa Nsenga Ngoy who will be preaching, and encouraging us to reflect again on our vision priorities and what it might mean to be truly ‘Open’ and ‘Connected’. Click more details to read the letter.

Planning for Opening Church for Private Prayer

I expect you will have heard the government announcement that churches can now open for private prayer
when they can do so safely. Please pray for us as we plan for how we can do this in a way that is welcoming but also sustainable and safe for both visitors and volunteers.

Sunday Service - 21 June - Valuing Life

This week we continue our series based on the Tearfund video 'The World Rebooted' - this Sunday exploring the second strand 'Valuing Life' with some challenging Bible passages which I think raise lots of questions.

LCP Prayer for Loughborough

Loughborough Churches Partnership has produced a video of church leaders praying an amplified version of the Lord's Prayer for Loughborough. It will be shown at the end of Sunday's service and you can followo the link below to watch it. Please share the link with local friends and neighbours.

Opening Church - Update

We are hoping that we may be able to open on Sunday afternoons, from Sunday 28 June, at 3pm for 2 half hour slots. The 2m rule means there will be 6 spaces in the pews in the first half hour - (a space is for an individual or 2 members of a household) and 4 spaces in the second half hour (because the designated spaces move forward a pew to avoid using the same area twice). If necessary, people will be asked to wait outside and we hope to be able to open the woodland as an alternative place to pray, with a one-way system in place.

Advocate Slot - Laura Centre, Prayer Pointers

Our advocate slot this month is the Laura Centre and there will be an update during the service on Sunday. The prayer pointers can be found below.
1. Please pray for all families directly affected by bereavement at this time.
2. Please pray for the healing work of the Laura Centre, helping bereaved families and individuals as they come to terms with their loss.
3. Please pray for the Counsellors -for their wisdom in supporting each person and each family and give them the strength to continue with their important work.
4. Please pray that, through God's grace, the ongoing fundraising needs are met this year and into the future.

Adele's Letter - 21 June 2020

Adele introduces the Valuing Life sunday service and talks about how we might open the church for private prayer.

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