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Treasurer's Update - a message from Ian

Painted Greek Island

As we continue to navigate the strange times, I wanted to give you another update on how St Mary’s finances are going. Firstly, thanks to all who continue to support us with your generous giving, and a special thanks to those who have recently started to give online or by bank standing order. This makes it so much easier for our hard-working administrators. If you normally give cash via envelope or plate, would you please prayerfully consider changing to use one of these means.

As I have said before, we continue to experience a reduced income, from plate collections, envelopes, Chapter House lettings and wedding income. A survey from the diocese shows that we are not alone in this. We are fortunate in having sufficient reserves to fill the gap for this year. Assuming that these unusual conditions will continue for some time, we will need to consider how we balance the books going forward. Let us all pray that God will supply all our needs, as He has promised to do.

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18 July 2020 at 23:00:00

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