St Mary's Notices - 1st December 2024

All Together Agape at 10am and Advent Carols at 6pm
Join us at 10am and 6pm as we celebrate the start of Advent. Over the next few weeks we will be working our way through the start of Luke’s gospel beginning this week with Luke 1:1-25. At the 10am we will be sharing together in the Agape meal of bread and juice, giving thanks to God for signs of his presence amongst us. At 6pm there is the first of our ‘special’ services – Advent Carols which will include a selection of readings and meditations along with extra hymns and carols. We hope to end with refreshments and would be grateful for donations of mince pies and shortbread. Please invite family and friends to come along as we celebrate the start of the Advent season.
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1 December 2024 at 10:00:00