Eco Fair – Saturday 18th May, 10am-4pm at St Mary’s

This will be an ‘Open Church’ event offering information and activities related to care for our world. The church will be decorated with a rainbow theme, and we hope to have refreshments, crafts, a woodland trail, and community run stalls.
HELP NEEDED! We still need crafters to help with making flowers in all the colours of the rainbow, all shapes and sizes, plus stars in yellow and white for the eco weekend click here for knitting patterns. Please also let us know if you are able to donate flowers from your garden!
There will be some community run stalls with an Eco theme – if you know anyone who might like to have a stall, please email Finally, we need some volunteers to help run the refreshments throughout the day. If you are available and would like to help serve on the rota for 1, 2 or all 6 hours!! please contact
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18 May 2024 at 11:00:00