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Advocate Slot - Link Dioceses Trichy and Tanzania

Painted Greek Island

Prayer Pointers
- give thanks that last year's Bishop's appeal which helped to buy both an ambulance and a minibus.
- please pray that Bishop Chandrasekaran would be able to visit Leicester pre-Lambeth Conference.
- give thanks for the 75th Anniversary of the Church of South India and the celebration service to be held in Leicester in September
- pray for Rev Eliazar and his family, as they settle into life at St Mary's Pudukkottai, and for the first priest-in-training from the village, Sam Venith
- give thanks for the recent visit led by Michael Broadley, where many church plants were visited and multiple baptisms performed.
- give thanks for the vaccine rollout in Kiteto this year.

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20 July 2022 at 23:00:00

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