Advocate Slot - Diocesan link with Tanzanian dioceses of Mount Kilimanjaro and Kiteto
An update with pointers to pray for -
Pray that the new President is determined to combat COVID 19, that Bishop Stanley (DMK) has major and fruitful outreach to villages and Bishop Isaiah (DK) has ordained women for the first time in DMK.
Give thanks for Leicester parishes funding a motor bike for a pastor to reach the villages, that village schools being built to replace teaching under trees and wells being drilled and funds from donations sent for library roof repairs and breadmaking equipment in DK.
We give thanks that the discipleship of newly baptised includes group teaching on learning to save and Munguishi Bible College (Principal Joseph Bea) is supported by St. Mary’s training pastors and evangelists.
Finally grateful thanks that the indomitable Sister Sarah is back at work after COVID 19 to train a young doctor and a nurse at the Eye Clinic and develop it.
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31 July 2021 at 23:00:00